10 Challenges to Implementing or Expanding VBC Risk Arrangements

  1. Managing data and analytics for VBC success: 44%
  2. Aligning financial incentives with quality improvement goals: 44%
  3. Measuring and reporting on VBC performance: 42%
  4. Gaining buy-in from healthcare providers and staff: 34%
  5. Ensuring effective care coordination and integration: 34%
  6. Identifying appropriate VBC models for the organization: 29%
  7. Navigating the transition from fee-for-service: 26%
  8. Establishing strong partnerships with payers: 26%
  9. Payer resistance: 21%
  10. Addressing potential legal or regulatory concerns: 17%
Notes: Based on an annual survey of 108 health system and hospital C-Suite executives

Source: Sage Growth Partners, "The New Healthcare C-Suite Agenda: 2024-2025," January 16, 2024 - https://go.sage-growth.com/l/234212/2024-01-16/3lpc86/234212/1705508699OLrc4rWJ…