9 Common HIPAA Violations by Healthcare Employees

  1. Snooping on Healthcare Records
  2. Emailing ePHI (electronic Personal Health Information) to Personal Email Accounts and Removing PHI (Personal Health Information) from a Healthcare Facility
  3. Leaving Portable Electronic Devices and Paperwork Unattended
  4. Releasing Patient Information to an Unauthorized Individual
  5. Releasing Patient Information Without Authorization
  6. Disclosures of PHI to Third Parties After the Expiry of an Authorization
  7. Impermissible Disclosures of Patient Health Records
  8. Downloading PHI onto Unauthorized Devices
  9. Providing Unauthorized Access to Medical Records

Source: HIPAA Journal, April 26, 2019 - https://www.hipaajournal.com/common-hipaa-violations/