9 Performance Measurements with the Number of States Whose Medicaid Managed Care Contractual Agreements Reference Them

  1. Consumer primary care experience: 40
  2. Auto-assignment tied to primary care performance: 24
  3. Primary care practice support: 26
  4. Value-based payment linked to primary care effectiveness: 29
  5. Women’s preventive health: 39
  6. Primary care performance linked to payment: 36
  7. Care teams: 34
  8. Pediatric preventive care: 40
  9. Adult preventive care: 40
Notes: From an article entitled, "How States Are Using Comprehensive Medicaid Managed Care to Strengthen and Improve Primary Health Care." Data from a George Washington University analysis of 40 state Medicaid managed care purchasing documents including requests for proposals, model contracts, and/or executed contracts publicly available as of October 1, 2019.