AJPM: Prevalence and Determinants of Difficulty in Accessing Medical Care

  1. 14% among U.S. adults overall
  2. 15% among those with hypertension
  3. 15% among those with diabetes mellitus
  4. 17% among those with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  5. 16.3% among those living in states without Medicaid expansion
  6. 12.7% among those living in states with Medicaid expansion
  7. 27% among those with 3 or more of the sociodemographic characteristics listed below*
Notes: *Sociodemographic characteristics: Age 18-34 years; having less than high school education; having annual household income less than $75,000; unemployment; living in a state without Medicaid expansion. From an article entitled, "Prevalence and Determinants of Difficulty in Accessing Medical Care in U.S. Adults," by Mahmoud Al Rifai, MD, MPH; Dhruv Mahtta, DO, MBA; Riyad Kherallah, MD; Sina Kianoush, MD, MPH; Jing Liu, MD; Fatima Rodriguez, MD, MPH; Khurram Nasir, MD, MPH; Javier Valero, MD, MPH; Safi U. Khan, MD; Christie Ballantyne, MD; Laura A. Petersen, MD, MPH; and Salim S. Virani, MD, PhD. The study used data from the 2016–2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, a nationally representative telephone-based survey of adults.

Source: American Journal of Preventive Medicine, July 4, 2021 - https://www.ajpmonline.org/article/S0749-3797(21)00289-0/fulltext