Alignment Health survey: Top 4 Barriers to Senior Health

  1. Economic Instability: Of the 1 in 5 seniors who skip medical care
  2. 29% say they were worried about not having enough money to pay for needed care.
  3. Food Insecurity: Of those who are concerned about negative impacts to their health in the next year
  4. nearly 1 in 5 survey respondents (19%) cite a lack of healthy food to eat.
  5. Lack of Support: Of those who are concerned about negative impacts to their health in the next year
  6. nearly 1 in 5 seniors shared they had no one to help them.
  7. Transportation: More than 18% of seniors who skipped needed medical care in the last year say they did so because they did not have a ride.
Notes: From a survey of a nationally and regionally representative sample of 2,601 U.S. seniors ages 65 and older from June 28 to July 10, 2023.

Source: Alignment Health, "2023 Social Threats to Aging Well in America," September 7, 2023 -…