Annals of Surgery: 4 Ways Preoperative Opioid Exposure Affects Odds of Hospital Readmission, Compared to Unexposed Patients

  1. Higher rate of opioid-related readmissions [low exposure: 63% higher odds; high: 270% higher odds]
  2. Higher risk of pain-related readmissions [low exposure: 27% higher odds; high exposure: 62% higher odds]
  3. Higher risk of respiratory-related readmissions [low exposure: 10% higher odds; high exposure: 44% higher odds].
  4. Low
  5. moderate
  6. and high chronic preoperative opioid exposures were predictive of all-cause readmissions (low exposure .09% higher odds; high exposure: 23% higher odds).
Notes: From an article entitled, "Preoperative Opioid Use and Readmissions Following Surgery", by Tang, Ruiqi BA; Santosa, Katherine B. MD, MS; Vu, Joceline V. MD; Lin, Lewei A. MD, MS; Lai, Yen-Ling MSPH, MS; Englesbe, Michael J. MD; Brummett, Chad M. MD; Waljee, and Jennifer F. MD, MPH, MS. Claims data was analyzed from 373,991 Medicare patients with Medicare Part D claims undergoing surgery. 45% of patients filled a preoperative opioid prescription within 12 months of surgery, ranging from minimal to chronic high use.