CDC: Emergency Department Visit Rates by Age Group in the U.S. in 2018

  1. Rate of ED visits by infants under age 1: 101 visits per 100 persons
  2. Rate of ED visits by children
  3. ages 1-17: 37 visits per 100 persons
  4. Rate of ED visits by adults
  5. ages 18-44: 41 visits per 100 persons
  6. Rate of ED visits by adults
  7. ages 45-64: 37 visits per 100 persons
  8. Rate of ED visits by seniors
  9. ages 65-74: 35 visits per 100 persons
  10. Rate of Ed visits by seniors
  11. age 75 and over: 52 visits per 100 persons
  12. Overall rate of ED visits in 2018: 40 visits per 100 persons
Notes: Estimates are based on a sample of 20,291 emergency department (ED) visits made by patients in the U.S. in 2018.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NCHS Data Brief No. 401, March 2021 -