CDC: Infant mortality rate by maternal ethnicity and source of payment, 2019–2021

  1. American Indian and Alaska Native
  2. delivery paid by Medicaid: 8.51
  3. American Indian and Alaska Native
  4. delivery paid by private insurance: 5.05
  5. Asian
  6. delivery paid by Medicaid: 4.06
  7. Asian
  8. delivery paid by private insurance: 3.13
  9. Black
  10. delivery paid by Medicaid: 11.07
  11. Black
  12. delivery paid by private insurance: 8.93
  13. White
  14. delivery paid by Medicaid: 6.68
  15. White
  16. delivery paid by private insurance: 3.31
  17. Hispanic
  18. delivery paid by Medicaid: 5.15
  19. Hispanic
  20. delivery paid by private insurance: 3.99
Notes: Data indicates infant deaths per 1,000 live births.

Source: Infant Mortality by Selected Maternal Characteristics and Race and Hispanic Origin in the United States, 2019–2021, National Vital Statistics Report, Volume 73, Number 3, March 5, 2024 -