CMS 2023 Proposed Rule: 4 Criteria that an ACO Must Meet to Receive Advance Investment Payments

  1. The ACO is not a renewing or re-entering ACO.
  2. The ACO has applied to participate in the MSSP under any level of the BASIC track’s glide path.
  3. The ACO is inexperienced with performance-based Medicare ACO initiatives.
  4. The ACO is a low-revenue ACO.
Notes: Under the CY 2023 Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule released on July 7, 2022, ACOs that meet the above criteria can submit a supplemental application for advanced funds when applying to participate in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP).

Source: CMS Proposes Sweeping Changes to the Medicare Shared Savings Program, JD Supra, July 27, 2022 -