Changes in MSSP ACO Quality Performance Scores from 2019 to 2021

  1. Poorly controlled diabetes: no significant change
  2. Controlled high blood pressure: fell 1.9%
  3. Depression screening and follow-up plan: increased 4.1%
  4. Screening for future fall risk: increased 1.9%
  5. Influenza immunization: increased 5.6%
  6. Tobacco use screening and cessation intervention: increased 3.1%
  7. Colorectal cancer screening: increased 0.8%
  8. Breast cancer screening: fell 1.1%
  9. Statin therapy: increased 2.1%
  10. Depression remission at 12 months: increased 11.7%
Notes: From an article entitled, "Changes in Medicare Accountable Care Organization Spending, Utilization, and Quality Performance 2 Years Into the COVID-19 Pandemic," by Brandon W. Yan, MPH; Maya Shashoua, MPH; and Jose F. Figueroa, MD, MPH.