Commonwealth Fund: Percentage Who Used Their MA Supplemental Benefits in the Past Year

  1. Used any supplementary benefits: 69%
  2. Did not use any supplementary benefits: 31%
  3. Used dental benefit: 42%
  4. Used vision benefit: 41%
  5. Used gym membership: 19%
  6. Used allowance for groceries: 12%
  7. Used hearing benefit: 7%
  8. Used meal delivery: 2%
  9. Used other benefit: 2%
Notes: Results of a survey of 1,848 Medicare Advantage beneficiaries who had been insured all year, when asked, "In the past 12 months, have you used any of your Medicare Advantage plan's supplemental benefits, such as coverage for dental, allowance for over-the-counter medications, transportation, fitness, or some other benefit not covered by traditional Medicare? Which benefit or benefits have you used in the past 12 months?"

Source: The Commonwealth Fund, "What Do Medicare Beneficiaries Value About Their Coverage?" February 22, 2024 -…