Consumer Attitudes About the Use of AI in Healthcare: 7 Survey Insights

  1. Three out of four Americans do not trust AI in a healthcare setting.
  2. Nearly four out of five don't know if their provider is using AI.
  3. 51% would not be comfortable with their provider using AI.
  4. 42% would not be comfortable with AI use even if it would help improve diagnostic accuracy.
  5. 61% trust that their provider would be able to use AI properly.
  6. 63% are worried that the use of AI may lead to less face time with their healthcare provider.
  7. 65% said they would be more comfortable with AI if their healthcare provider explained its use.
Notes: Results from an online survey of 1,027 U.S. consumers between August 18 and August 29, 2023.

Source: Business Wire, "Carta Healthcare survey results indicate that education around AI may improve consumer trust," October 12, 2023 -…