Deloitte: 7 Takeaways from 2020 Survey of US Physicians

  1. 97% of all physicians relied on fee-for-service and/or salary for their compensation in 2020
  2. 36% also received value-based payments
  3. 23% of physicians received performance bonuses of more than 5%
  4. 51% of physicians are aware of the costs of the treatments they select
  5. 48% of physicians are comfortable discussing costs with patients
  6. 46% of physicians say they follow clinical pathways adopted at their organization
  7. 76% of physicians say they have a prominent role in limiting the use of unnecessary treatments and tests
Notes: Results from the Deloitte Survey of US Physicians from 2020. This survey of 680 physicians, which took place from January 15 to February 14, 2020, is nationally representative of US primary care and specialty physicians.