Deloitte: Healthcare and Life Sciences Predictions 2020

  1. Health consumers in 2020: Informed and demanding patients are now partners in their own healthcare
  2. Health care delivery systems in 2020: The era of digitized medicine—new business models drive new ideas
  3. Wearables and mHealth applications in 2020: Measuring quality of life not just clinical indicators
  4. Big Data in 2020: Health data is pervasive—requiring new tools and provider models
  5. Regulation in 2020: Regulations reflect the convergence of technology and science
  6. Research and Development in 2020: The networked laboratory—partnerships and big data amidst new scrutiny
  7. The pharmaceutical commercial model in 2020: Local is important but with a shift from volume to value
  8. The pharmaceutical enterprise configuration - the back office in 2020: Single
  9. global
  10. and responsible for insight enablement
  11. New business models in emerging markets in 2020: Still emerging
  12. but full of creativity for the world
  13. Impact of behaviors on corporate reputation in 2020: A new dawn of trust