FAIR Health: Median Cost of Giving Birth in the U.S.: 8 Things to Know

  1. The national median allowed amount for C-section: $15
  2. 555.61
  3. The national median charge amount for C-section: $35
  4. 907.33.
  5. The national median allowed amount for vaginal delivery: $12
  6. 968.44
  7. The national median charge amount for vaginal delivery: $27
  8. 371.88.
  9. State with the highest median allowed amount for vaginal deliveries: $21
  10. 525.77 in Alaska
  11. State with the highest median allowed amount for C-sections: $25
  12. 518.63 in Alaska
  13. State with the lowest median allowed amount for vaginal deliveries: $7
  14. 840.62 in Alabama
  15. State with the lowest median allowed amount for C-sections: $8
  16. 913.31 in Alabama
Notes: Charge amount: the amount charged to a patient who is uninsured or obtaining an out-of-network service. Allowed amount: the total fee negotiated between an insurance plan and a provider for an in-network service, and includes both the portion to be paid by the plan member and the portion to be paid by the plan.