Harvard Global Health Institute: 9 States Near or Exceeding Minimum Levels of COVID-19 Testing

  1. Alaska: current daily test rate: 89 per 100 thousand; 0.4% positive tests
  2. Hawaii: current daily test rate: 56 per 100 thousand; 0.3% positive tests
  3. Montana: current daily test rate: 83 per 100 thousand; 0.1% positive tests
  4. North Dakota: current daily test rate: 246 per 100 thousand; 2.2% positive tests
  5. Oregon: current daily test rate: 46 per 100 thousand; 3.5% positive tests
  6. Tennessee: current daily test rate: 122 per 100 thousand; 6.1% positive tests
  7. Utah: current daily test rate: 112 per 100 thousand; 4.4% positive tests
  8. West Virginia: current daily test rate: 101 per 100 thousand; 1.2% positive tests
  9. Wyoming: current daily test rate: 69 per 100 thousand; 2.4% positive tests
Notes: Harvard testing estimates are built on a model that assumes that states continue social distancing through May 15. Each state's specific need for testing varies depending on the size of its outbreak. A positive test ratio of 10% or less is the target advised by the World Health Organization.