Impact of ACO Affiliation on Antibiotic Prescribing for 5 Specialties: study

  1. internal medicine physicians: average decrease of 23.6 antibiotic prescriptions per year
  2. family and general practice physicians: average decrease of 22.1 antibiotic prescriptions per year
  3. nurse practitioners: average decrease of 7.1 antibiotic prescriptions per year
  4. general surgeons: average decrease of 9.6 antibiotic prescriptions per year
  5. orthopedic surgeons: average decrease of 8.1 antibiotic prescriptions per year
Notes: From an article entitled, "Accountable care organizations and physician antibiotic prescribing behavior," by Svetlana Beilfuss, Sebastian Linde and Brandon Norton.

Source: Social Science and Medicine via ScienceDirect, abstract only, published online January 8, 2022 -