Institute for Advancing Health Value: 7 Performance Results from 2021 MSSP ACOs

  1. The average per-member-per-month (PMPM) savings was $164.
  2. 81% of ACOs generated savings.
  3. 58% earned a Shared Savings bonus.
  4. 89% of ACOs taking downside risk generated savings
  5. 76% of ACOs in an upside-only track generated savings.
  6. Risk-bearing ACOs generated $5.3M per ACO.
  7. Non-risk-bearing ACOs generated $2.9M per ACO.
Notes: MSSP ACOs are those participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program. Results are based on a report by the Institute for Advancing Health Value entitled, "2021 MSSP Performance Results Analysis."

Source: Institute for Advancing Health Value via The Race to Value, October 6, 2022 -…