JAMA: Odds of 8 Complications for Diabetes Patients Who Switched to HDHPs

  1. 11% higher odds for myocardial infarction (odds ratio 1.11)
  2. 15% higher odds for stroke (odds ratio 1.15)
  3. 35% higher odds for hospitalization for heart failure (odds ratio 1.35)
  4. 153% higher odds for end-stage kidney disease (odds ratio 2.53)
  5. 123% higher odds for lower-extremity complication (odds ratio 2.23)
  6. 17% higher odds for proliferative retinopathy (odds ratio 1.17)
  7. 135% higher odds for blindness (odds ratio 2.35)
  8. 128% higher odds for retinopathy treatment (odds ratio 2.28)
Notes: HDHPs are high deductible health plans. Data are results of a cohort study of 245,055 US adults with diabetes enrolled in employer-sponsored health plans. Those who switched to an HDHP had greater odds of experiencing all diabetes complications.

Source: Enrollment in High-Deductible Health Plans and Incident Diabetes Complications, JAMA Network Open, March 22, 2024 - https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2816683