Journal of General Internal Medicine: Percent of total cost for 7 low-value preventive services in Medicare, 2007-2016

  1. Screening for bacteriuria in asymptomatic adults: 35.5%
  2. Vitamin D supplementation for primary prevention of fractures among postmenopausal women: 17.4%
  3. Prostate cancer screening for men 75 years and older: 9.7%
  4. Cervical cancer screening for women over 65 years: 11.7%
  5. COPD screening among asymptomatic adults: 6.8%
  6. Screening low-risk asymptomatic adults for cardiovascular disease with either rest/stress ECG: 4.3%
  7. Colon cancer screening over 85 years: $14.5%
Notes: These seven services were utilized 31.1 million times for Medicare beneficiaries in 2007 to 2016 at a total cost of $477,891,886. From an article entitled, "The Utilization and Costs of Grade D USPSTF Services in Medicare, 2007–2016."

Source: Journal of General Internal Medicine, April 14, 2021 -