KFF: 8 Actions Taken or Considered by Community Health Centers Due to Funding Uncertainty

  1. Institute a hiring freeze: 8% have acted; 52% are considering
  2. Tap into and spend down reserves: 8% have acted; 45% are considering
  3. Cancel or delay planned facility renovation or expansion: 10% have acted; 42% are considering
  4. Cancel or delay plans to invest in key quality improvement activities or infrastructure: 6% have acted; 41% are considering
  5. Reduce staff hours: 4% have acted; 38% are considering
  6. Lay off staff: 3% have acted; 38% are considering
  7. Reduce hours of operation: 2% have acted; 33% are considering
  8. Close on or more health center sites: 2% have acted; 23% are considering
Notes: The Kaiser Family Foundation and the Geiger Gibson Program in Community Health Policy at the George Washington University designed and analyzed a survey of community health centers, which was conducted from May to July 2019. The Community Health Center Fund (CHCF), established by the Affordable Care Act, accounts for 72% of health center grant funding and is set to expire at the end of September unless Congress extends it.