KaufmanHall: 9 Year-Over-Year Measures of Hospital Performance, April 2020 versus April 2019

  1. Operating EBITDA Margins fell 174% YOY (year-over-year) and 118% compared to March 2020.
  2. Hospital Operating Margins fell 282% YOY and 120% compared to March 2020.
  3. Operating Room Minutes fell 61% YOY
  4. Discharges fell 30% YOY
  5. Adjusted Patient Days fell 39% YOY
  6. Emergency Department Visits fell 43% YOY
  7. Outpatient Revenues fell 50% YOY
  8. Inpatient Revenues fell 25% YOY
  9. Total Gross Revenue fell 30% YOY
Notes: EBITDA is earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization