Lumeris: 5 Survey Take-aways About Value-Based Care

  1. 70% of survey respondents have less than 25% of their revenue tied to value-based care contracts.
  2. 70% of survey respondents who are participating in some form of value-based care arrangements have signed population-based shared savings contracts.
  3. 60% of survey respondents who are participating in some form of value-based care arrangements have signed shared/loss contracts.
  4. 60% of networks have introduced provider incentives that align with value-based performance goals.
  5. 52% of networks have created special onboarding and training programs to ensure their providers understand what is expected.
Notes: From a report entitled, "Research Reveals Network Performance Putting Health Systems and ACOs at Risk in Value-Based Care." Lumeris commissioned Porter Research to conduct a quantitative survey of approximately 50 clinical and business executives from health systems and ACOs, as well as qualitative phone interviews.