A 12-page Executive Summary offering summary highlights for 22 Accountable Care Organizations and ACO solutions companies regarding their successes during the most recent MSSP performance year.
MedPage Today: Percentage of Clinical Colleagues Who Have Been Hospitalized with COVID-19
- less than 1%: 55% nationally; 36% in New York City
- 1% to 5%: 7% nationally; 17% in New York City
- 6% to 10%: 1% nationally; 2% in New York City
- 11% to 19%: 0% nationally; 1% in New York City
- 20% or more: 0% nationally; 1% in New York City
- don't know: 37% nationally; 43% in New York City
Source: MedPage Today, April 14, 2020 - https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/85953