Milliman: Estimated Healthcare Cost for Typical Family of 4 in 2023

  1. Total cost of healthcare in 2023: $31
  2. 100
  3. Employee contribution and out-of-pocket cost: $12
  4. 800
  5. Inpatient: $9
  6. 305 (29.95%)
  7. Outpatient: $5
  8. 906 (19.01%)
  9. Professional: $11
  10. 258 (36.24%)
  11. Pharmacy: $4
  12. 026 (12.96%)
  13. Other: $570 (1.83%)
Notes: Estimates based on employer subsidy of 59%. Variables that may affect cost for a given family include age and gender, individual health status, geographic area, provider reimbursement variation and insurance coverage design.

Source: Milliman, "2023 Milliman Medical Index," May 25, 2023 -