Share of Healthcare Orgs That Fully Deployed Each of 8 EHR-Integrated Surveillance Functions: Survey

  1. Monitor patient vital signs: 82%
  2. Monitor lab test results: 80%
  3. Send electronic alerts to caregivers: 77%
  4. Monitor other clinical information: 76%
  5. Monitor medication administration: 74%
  6. Monitor change of condition: 56%
  7. Monitor falls: 49%
  8. Monitor pressure ulcers: 41%
  9. No surveillance system: 10%
Notes: From "Healthcare's Most Wired: National Trends 2021." Survey shows the percentage of 401 healthcare organizations that have fully deployed each of 9 EHR-Integrated Surveillance System Functionalities.

Source: The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME), November 17, 2021 -…