The Commonwealth Fund: Home Health Referral Fulfillment Rates by Race, 2016 vs 2022

  1. White: 61.1% in 2016; decreased to 59.8% in 2022
  2. Black: 55.8% in 2016; decreased to 57.5% in 2022
  3. Hispanic: 57.3% in 2016; decreased to 53.0% in 2022
  4. Other: 66.3% in 2016; decreased to 50.9% in 2022
  5. Overall: 66.0% in 2016; decreased to 59% in 2022
Notes: In 2022, 21% of the 2.71 million hospitalized Medicare patients received a referral for home health care.

Source: "Fewer Hospitalized Medicare Beneficiaries Are Receiving Recommended Home Health Care," The Commonwealth Fund, July 24, 2024 -…