A 12-page Executive Summary offering summary highlights for 22 Accountable Care Organizations and ACO solutions companies regarding their successes during the most recent MSSP performance year.
The State of ACOs at the start of Q3 2019: 8 things to know
- Number of all currently active ACOs: 995
- Number of Physician-led ACOs: 425 (43%)
- Number of Hospital-led ACOs: 274
- Number of Jointly-led ACOs: 294
- Number of Medicare ACO contracts: 596 (38%)
- Number of Medicaid ACO contracts: 114 (7%)
- Number of Commercial ACO contracts: 876 (55%)
- Number of MSSP ACOs that qualify as an advanced alternative payment model (APM): 146 out of 518 (28%)
Source: Health Affairs Blog, October 21, 2019 - https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20191020.962600/full/