U.S. Preventable COVID-19 Hospitalizations and Costs, June-August 2021

  1. 32
  2. 000 = estimated number of preventable COVID-19 hospitalizations in June 2021
  3. 68
  4. 000 = estimated number of preventable COVID-19 hospitalizations in July 2021
  5. 187
  6. 000 = estimated number of preventable COVID-19 hospitalizations in August 2021
  7. $0.6 Billion = estimated preventable cost for unvaccinated COVID-19-related adult hospitalizations in June 2021
  8. $1.4 Billion = estimated preventable cost for unvaccinated COVID-19-related adult hospitalizations in July 2021
  9. $3.7 Billion = estimated preventable cost for unvaccinated COVID-19-related adult hospitalizations in August 2021
Notes: Estimates from a KFF analysis of CDC, CMS, and HHS Protect data from June through August, 2021. An estimated 84% of unvaccinated hospitalizations for COVID-19 were considered preventable, at an approximate cost of $20,000 each.

Source: Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, September 14, 2021 - https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/brief/unvaccinated-covid-patients-cost-the-…