Use of 9 Substance Use Disorder Treatment Resources by ACOs

  1. Addiction medicine specialist: 37.4%
  2. Sufficient staff to treat SUDs: 12.6%
  3. Specialty SUD treatment facility: 52.6%
  4. Medications for OUD: 52.0%
  5. Registry to identify patients with OUD: 57.0%
  6. Registry to track mental health for patients with OUD: 27.5%
  7. Remote mental health therapy and tracking: 26.5%
  8. Virtual peer recovery support programs: 15.1%
  9. Digital recovery support for adjuvant CBT: 9%
Notes: Data is from a 2022 national cross-sectional study of 304 respondents from 276 organizations with Medicare or Medicaid ACO contracts. SUD: substance use disorder. OUD: opioid use disorder. CBT: cognitive behavior therapy.

Source: Provision of Digital Health Technologies for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment by US Health Care Organizations, JAMA Network Open, July 17, 2023 -