Health Insurance Marketplace News
  Complimentary from the publishers of Health Insurance Marketplace News    December, 2013  
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  “According to government sources, there are about 4 million customers receiving notices of cancellation. The Obama concession of having these policies reinstated for one year is a problem in terms of state approvals for pricing and plan designs. This will take at least 30 days in most states, which can push some people into 2014 before they are able to renew, if at all. Further, the increased premiums and deductibles are skyrocketing, which could price the policies out of reach of some of the current policyholders. It will get resolved, though it will be messy for the next six months at least.” Cyndy Nayer, President,; Founder and former CEO, Center for Health Value Innovation; Leader, River City Partnership on Health Inc. (a certified womanbusiness enterprise); Former Chair, Missouri Governor’s Council on Health and Fitness

According to a recent study by Valence Health entitled, "US Attitudes Toward Health Insurance and Healthcare Reform,” more than 39% of respondents said they were very unlikely to use online insurance exchanges; a majority prefers insurance through employers.

Source: Health Exchange Marketplace News, Volume 1 Issue 9, December 2013, Industry News: Valence Health Study Shows More Than a Third of Americans Will Consider Non-Traditional Health Insurance

What's News
  Health insurance enrollment up in November
The Washington Post, December 11, 2013
Health Care Exchange Is Vastly Improved, Users Say
International New York Times, December 10, 2013
  Small business HIX faces delay
Government Health IT, December 4, 2013
More Obamacare enrollees in two days than all of October: sources
Reuters, December 4, 2013 
Sticker shock hits health exchange shoppers
USA Today, November 22, 2013
  CMS: 30-40% of Federal Marketplace Remains to Be Built
Employee Benefit News/Health Insurance Exchange, November 19, 2013
This Month in Health Insurance Marketplace News
  • Portable Enrollment Technology Gives Providers Important ROI in Responding to ACA Roll-Out by Everett Lebherz and Steven Abramson
  • Ruling Emphasizes ACA’s Definition of ‘Navigators’, Not State’s
  •  Experts Note Obamacare Isn’t Trying to Rewrite the Rules
  • President Obama’s Transitional Policy for Canceled Plans by Hans K. Leida FSA MAAA
  • Thought Leader’s Corner: "Regarding policy cancellations for non-standard benefit plans– how widespread are these occurrences in your estimation, and what are the short-term and long-term implications for stakeholders of the current federal, state and insurer responses to this issue?”
  • Industry News with briefs regarding Buck Consultants; Quotit Corp; CBIZ; Array Health; USI; eHealth; Valence Health; HealthPlan Services; Towers Watson; bswift; and Walgreens
  • State Wrap-Up with briefs regarding Vermont; California; Missouri, New York; and Arizona
  • Catching Up with…. Kev Coleman
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